Terms of Purchase

The data in our products comes from the U.S. Census Bureau, which means you are free to use Census data in any way you choose. We cannot place restrictions on your use of publicly available government data.

However, the value of our Data Files goes beyond just raw public data. We research, analyze, compile, transform, and format the data to make it easy to use. We process large amounts of Census data into user-friendly spreadsheets, maps, and more. This effort adds significant value, and it’s the reason our clients return to us. Therefore, we ask that you do not share or resell our products as your own, or upload them to a public site. Such actions would harm our business and our families.

How can you share the Data Files?

As long as sharing doesn’t harm our business, feel free to do so. For example, sharing a spreadsheet with a teammate, project leader, or third-party partner who is using the data on your behalf is acceptable, provided that everyone understands our Terms & Conditions.

If you’re ever unsure about sharing, just ask us! We strive to be fair.

1. Definitions

2. Agreement By purchasing, accepting, downloading, or using one of our Data Files, you agree to the Terms & Conditions.

3. Restrictions

A. The Data There are no restrictions on how you use the data. You may use it for private, public, or commercial purposes.

B. The Data Files You may not resell, copy, distribute, replicate, or share the data files provided by Cubit without permission. Exception: You may share the data files with members of the same team when it is reasonable that a purchase would be shared.