Full list of Data Fields avaiable in our Data Products
Last updated on January 23, 2025.
New Column Name | Category | Short Description |
pop_total_est | POPULATION | Total Population |
pop_female_est | POPULATION | Female Population |
pop_female_pct | POPULATION | Percentage of Female Population |
pop_male_est | POPULATION | Male Population |
pop_male_pct | POPULATION | Percentage of Male Population |
pop_median_age_est | POPULATION | Median Age (Years) |
race_white_pct | POPULATION | Percentage of White Population |
race_black_pct | POPULATION | Percentage of Black or African American Population |
race_aian_pct | POPULATION | Percentage of American Indian and Alaska Native Population |
race_asian_pct | POPULATION | Percentage of Asian Population |
race_pacific_islander_pct | POPULATION | Percentage of Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Population |
race_other_pct | POPULATION | Percentage of Some Other Race Population |
race_two_plus_pct | POPULATION | Percentage of Two or More Races Population |
hispanic_latino_pct | POPULATION | Percentage of Hispanic or Latino Population |
non_hispanic_white_pct | POPULATION | Percentage of Non-Hispanic White Population |
pop_sex_ratio | POPULATION | Sex Ratio (Males per 100 Females) |
pop_age_under5_pct | POPULATION | Percentage of Population Under 5 Years |
pop_age_5_9_pct | POPULATION | Percentage of Population Aged 5 to 9 Years |
pop_age_10_14_pct | POPULATION | Percentage of Population Aged 10 to 14 Years |
pop_age_15_19_pct | POPULATION | Percentage of Population Aged 15 to 19 Years |
pop_age_20_24_pct | POPULATION | Percentage of Population Aged 20 to 24 Years |
pop_age_25_34_pct | POPULATION | Percentage of Population Aged 25 to 34 Years |
pop_age_35_44_pct | POPULATION | Percentage of Population Aged 35 to 44 Years |
pop_age_45_54_pct | POPULATION | Percentage of Population Aged 45 to 54 Years |
pop_age_55_59_pct | POPULATION | Percentage of Population Aged 55 to 59 Years |
pop_age_60_64_pct | POPULATION | Percentage of Population Aged 60 to 64 Years |
pop_under_18_pct | POPULATION | Percentage of Population Under 18 Years |
pop_age_65_over_pct | POPULATION | Percentage of Population Aged 65 Years and Over |
pop_age_under_5_male | POPULATION | Male Population Aged Under 5 Years |
pop_age_under_5_female | POPULATION | Female Population Aged Under 5 Years |
pop_age_5_9_male | POPULATION | Male Population Aged 5 to 9 Years |
pop_age_5_9_female | POPULATION | Female Population Aged 5 to 9 Years |
pop_age_10_14_male | POPULATION | Male Population Aged 10 to 14 Years |
pop_age_10_14_female | POPULATION | Female Population Aged 10 to 14 Years |
pop_age_15_19_male | POPULATION | Male Population Aged 15 to 19 Years |
pop_age_15_19_female | POPULATION | Female Population Aged 15 to 19 Years |
pop_age_20_24_male | POPULATION | Male Population Aged 20 to 24 Years |
pop_age_20_24_female | POPULATION | Female Population Aged 20 to 24 Years |
pop_age_25_29_male | POPULATION | Male Population Aged 25 to 29 Years |
pop_age_25_29_female | POPULATION | Female Population Aged 25 to 29 Years |
pop_age_30_34_male | POPULATION | Male Population Aged 30 to 34 Years |
pop_age_30_34_female | POPULATION | Female Population Aged 30 to 34 Years |
pop_age_35_39_male | POPULATION | Male Population Aged 35 to 39 Years |
pop_age_35_39_female | POPULATION | Female Population Aged 35 to 39 Years |
pop_age_40_44_male | POPULATION | Male Population Aged 40 to 44 Years |
pop_age_40_44_female | POPULATION | Female Population Aged 40 to 44 Years |
pop_age_45_49_male | POPULATION | Male Population Aged 45 to 49 Years |
pop_age_45_49_female | POPULATION | Female Population Aged 45 to 49 Years |
pop_age_50_54_male | POPULATION | Male Population Aged 50 to 54 Years |
pop_age_50_54_female | POPULATION | Female Population Aged 50 to 54 Years |
pop_age_55_59_male | POPULATION | Male Population Aged 55 to 59 Years |
pop_age_55_59_female | POPULATION | Female Population Aged 55 to 59 Years |
pop_age_60_64_male | POPULATION | Male Population Aged 60 to 64 Years |
pop_age_60_64_female | POPULATION | Female Population Aged 60 to 64 Years |
pop_age_65_69_male | POPULATION | Male Population Aged 65 to 69 Years |
pop_age_65_69_female | POPULATION | Female Population Aged 65 to 69 Years |
pop_age_70_74_male | POPULATION | Male Population Aged 70 to 74 Years |
pop_age_70_74_female | POPULATION | Female Population Aged 70 to 74 Years |
pop_age_75_79_male | POPULATION | Male Population Aged 75 to 79 Years |
pop_age_75_79_female | POPULATION | Female Population Aged 75 to 79 Years |
pop_age_80_84_male | POPULATION | Male Population Aged 80 to 84 Years |
pop_age_80_84_female | POPULATION | Female Population Aged 80 to 84 Years |
pop_age_85_over_male | POPULATION | Male Population Aged 85 Years and Over |
pop_age_85_over_female | POPULATION | Female Population Aged 85 Years and Over |
income_total_households_200k_plus_pct | INCOME | Percentage of Households with $200,000+ Income |
income_total_households_lt_10k_pct | INCOME | Percentage of Households with Less than $10,000 Income |
income_total_households_10k_14k_pct | INCOME | Percentage of Households with $10,000 to $14,999 Income |
income_total_households_15k_24k_pct | INCOME | Percentage of Households with $15,000 to $24,999 Income |
income_total_households_25k_34k_pct | INCOME | Percentage of Households with $25,000 to $34,999 Income |
income_total_households_35k_49k_pct | INCOME | Percentage of Households with $35,000 to $49,999 Income |
income_total_households_50k_74k_pct | INCOME | Percentage of Households with $50,000 to $74,999 Income |
income_total_households_75k_99k_pct | INCOME | Percentage of Households with $75,000 to $99,999 Income |
income_total_households_100k_149k_pct | INCOME | Percentage of Households with $100,000 to $149,999 Income |
income_total_households_150k_199k_pct | INCOME | Percentage of Households with $150,000 to $199,999 Income |
income_median_earn_male_est | INCOME | Median Earnings for Male Full-Time Workers |
income_median_earn_female_est | INCOME | Median Earnings for Female Full-Time Workers |
income_total_with_earn_pct | INCOME | Percentage of Households with Earnings |
income_total_with_ss_pct | INCOME | Percentage of Households with Social Security |
income_total_with_retire_pct | INCOME | Percentage of Households with Retirement Income |
income_total_with_ssi_pct | INCOME | Percentage of Households with Supplemental Security Income |
income_total_with_cash_assist_pct | INCOME | Percentage of Households with Cash Public Assistance Income |
income_median_household_income_est | INCOME | Median Household Income |
income_with_ss_mean_est | INCOME | Mean Social Security Income |
median_earnings_past12m_est | INCOME | Median Earnings Past 12 Months |
poverty_all_people_pct | POVERTY_LEVEL | Percentage Below Poverty Level (All People) |
poverty_all_under_18_pct | POVERTY_LEVEL | Percentage Below Poverty Level (Under 18 Years) |
poverty_all_18_over_65_pct | POVERTY_LEVEL | Percentage Below Poverty Level (65+ Years) |
poverty_all_18_64_pct | POVERTY_LEVEL | Percentage Below Poverty Level (18-64 Years) |
food_stamps_snap_households_pct | POVERTY_LEVEL | Percentage of Households Receiving Food Stamps/SNAP |
food_stamps_snap_with_children_pct | POVERTY_LEVEL | Percentage of Households Receiving Food Stamps/SNAP with Children Under 18 Years |
food_stamps_snap_with_60_over_pct | POVERTY_LEVEL | Percentage of Households Receiving Food Stamps/SNAP with 60+ Year Olds |
food_stamps_snap_other_female_no_spouse_pct | POVERTY_LEVEL | Percentage of Households Receiving Food Stamps/SNAP with Female Householder, No Spouse |
commute_car_drove_alone_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage of Workers Driving Alone |
commute_car_carpool_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage of Workers Carpooling |
commute_public_trans_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage of Workers Using Public Transportation |
commute_walked_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage of Workers Walking |
commute_other_means_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage of Workers Using Other Means |
commute_worked_home_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage of Workers Working from Home |
commute_mean_travel_time_min | EMPLOYMENT | Mean Travel Time to Work (Minutes) |
emp_status_civilian_employed_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage Employed in Civilian Labor Force |
class_worker_gov_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage of Government Workers |
class_worker_self_employed_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage of Self-Employed Workers |
emp_status_not_in_labor_force_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage Not in Labor Force |
class_worker_private_wage_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage of Private Wage and Salary Workers |
class_worker_private_wage_est | EMPLOYMENT | Estimated Number of Private Wage and Salary Workers |
class_worker_gov_est | EMPLOYMENT | Estimated Number of Government Workers |
class_worker_self_employed_est | EMPLOYMENT | Estimated Number of Self-Employed Workers |
industry_educ_health_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage in Educational and Health Services |
industry_arts_entertainment_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage in Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation |
industry_other_services_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage in Other Services |
industry_public_admin_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage in Public Administration |
industry_ag_fish_mining_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage in Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting, and Mining |
industry_construction_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage in Construction |
industry_manufacturing_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage in Manufacturing |
industry_wholesale_trade_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage in Wholesale Trade |
industry_retail_trade_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage in Retail Trade |
industry_transport_warehousing_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage in Transportation, Warehousing, and Utilities |
industry_information_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage in Information Sector |
industry_fin_ins_real_est_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage in Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, and Leasing |
industry_prof_scient_management_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage in Professional and Scientific Services |
health_ins_with_coverage_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage with Health Insurance Coverage |
health_ins_no_coverage_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage without Health Insurance Coverage |
health_ins_with_private_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage with Private Health Insurance Coverage |
health_ins_with_public_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage with Public Health Insurance Coverage |
health_ins_under_19_no_coverage_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage Under 19 without Health Insurance Coverage |
occupation_mgmt_business_science_est | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage in Management, Business, Science, and Arts Occupations |
occupation_production_trans_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage in Production, Transportation, and Material Moving Occupations |
occupation_service_est | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage in Service Occupations |
occupation_sales_office_est | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage in Sales and Office Occupations |
occupation_natural_construction_est | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage in Natural Resources, Construction, and Maintenance Occupations |
occupation_production_trans_est | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage in Production, Transportation, and Material Moving Occupations |
occupation_mgmt_business_science_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage in Management, Business, Science, and Arts Occupations |
occupation_service_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage in Service Occupations |
occupation_sales_office_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage in Sales and Office Occupations |
occupation_natural_construction_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage in Natural Resources, Construction, and Maintenance Occupations |
work_status_families_2plus_workers_pct | EMPLOYMENT | Percentage of Families with 2+ Workers in Past 12 Months |
housing_units_1u_detached_pct | HOUSING | Percentage of 1-Unit Detached Housing |
housing_units_1u_attached_pct | HOUSING | Percentage of 1-Unit Attached Housing |
housing_units_2u_pct | HOUSING | Percentage of 2-Unit Housing |
housing_units_3_4u_pct | HOUSING | Percentage of 3-4 Unit Housing |
housing_units_5_9u_pct | HOUSING | Percentage of 5-9 Unit Housing |
housing_units_10_19u_pct | HOUSING | Percentage of 10-19 Unit Housing |
housing_units_20_plus_pct | HOUSING | Percentage of 20+ Unit Housing |
housing_units_mobile_pct | HOUSING | Percentage of Mobile Homes |
housing_units_boat_rv_van_pct | HOUSING | Percentage of Boat, RV, Van, etc. Housing |
heating_fuel_utility_gas_pct | HOUSING | Percentage Using Utility Gas for Heating |
heating_fuel_bottled_lp_gas_pct | HOUSING | Percentage Using Bottled, Tank, or LP Gas for Heating |
heating_fuel_electricity_pct | HOUSING | Percentage Using Electricity for Heating |
heating_fuel_fuel_oil_pct | HOUSING | Percentage Using Fuel Oil or Kerosene for Heating |
heating_fuel_coal_pct | HOUSING | Percentage Using Coal or Coke for Heating |
heating_fuel_wood_pct | HOUSING | Percentage Using Wood for Heating |
heating_fuel_solar_pct | HOUSING | Percentage Using Solar Energy for Heating |
heating_fuel_other_pct | HOUSING | Percentage Using Other Fuels for Heating |
heating_fuel_no_fuel_pct | HOUSING | Percentage Using No Fuel for Heating |
housing_value_owners_occupied | HOUSING | Median Value of Owner-Occupied Units |
housing_unit_with_mortgage_pct | HOUSING | Percentage of Owner-Occupied Units with Mortgage |
housing_unit_without_mortgage_pct | HOUSING | Percentage of Owner-Occupied Units without Mortgage |
smoc_with_mortgage_median | HOUSING | Median Selected Monthly Owner Costs (With Mortgage) |
smoc_without_mortgage_median | HOUSING | Median Selected Monthly Owner Costs (Without Mortgage) |
median_gross_rent | HOUSING | Median Gross Rent |
housing_occupancy_total | HOUSING | Total Housing Units Occupied |
housing_year_built_2010_2019_pct | HOUSING | Percentage of Housing Built 2010-2019 |
housing_year_built_2020_plus_pct | HOUSING | Percentage of Housing Built 2020 or Later |
housing_year_built_1939_minus_pct | HOUSING | Percentage of Housing Built 1939 or Earlier |
housing_rooms_median_est | HOUSING | Median Number of Rooms in Housing Units |
housing_bedrooms_3_pct | HOUSING | Percentage of Housing with 3 Bedrooms |
housing_bedrooms_4_pct | HOUSING | Percentage of Housing with 4 Bedrooms |
housing_bedrooms_5_plus_pct | HOUSING | Percentage of Housing with 5+ Bedrooms |
housing_tenure_occupied_pct | HOUSING | Percentage of Housing Tenure (Occupied) |
vehicles_available_3_plus_pct | HOUSING | Percentage of Housing with 3+ Vehicles Available |
housing_occupancy_vacant_est | HOUSING | Percentage of Vacant Housing Units |
housing_tenure_owner_pct | HOUSING | Percentage of Owner-Occupied Housing |
housing_tenure_renter_pct | HOUSING | Percentage of Renter-Occupied Housing |
housing_tenure_owner_avg_size_est | HOUSING | Average Household Size (Owner-Occupied) |
housing_tenure_renter_avg_size_est | HOUSING | Average Household Size (Renter-Occupied) |
housing_residence_moved_in_2021_plus_pct | HOUSING | Percentage of Householders Moved in 2021 or Later |
housing_residence_moved_in_1989_minus_pct | HOUSING | Percentage of Householders Moved in 1989 or Earlier |
housing_vehicles_available_none_pct | HOUSING | Percentage of Housing with No Vehicles Available |
place_birth_native_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage of Native Population |
place_birth_native_state_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage of Native Population Born in U.S. by State |
place_birth_foreign_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage of Foreign-Born Population |
citizenship_naturalized_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage of Naturalized U.S. Citizens among Foreign-Born |
year_entry_before2010_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage of Foreign-Born Entered Before 2010 |
households_total_est | DEMOGRAPHICS | Total Households |
households_avg_size_est | DEMOGRAPHICS | Average Household Size |
households_with_65_over_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage of Households with 65+ Individuals |
marital_status_male_now_married_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage of Married Males (15+) |
marital_status_female_now_married_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage of Married Females (15+) |
grandparents_living_with_grandchildren_est | DEMOGRAPHICS | Number of Grandparents Living with Grandchildren |
grandparents_responsible_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage of Grandparents Responsible for Grandchildren |
marital_status_male_never_married_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage of Never Married Males (15+) |
marital_status_male_separated_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage of Separated Males (15+) |
marital_status_male_widowed_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage of Widowed Males (15+) |
marital_status_male_divorced_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage of Divorced Males (15+) |
households_married_couple_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage of Married-Couple Households |
marital_status_female_never_married_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage of Never Married Females (15+) |
marital_status_female_separated_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage of Separated Females (15+) |
marital_status_female_widowed_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage of Widowed Females (15+) |
marital_status_female_divorced_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage of Divorced Females (15+) |
households_cohabiting_couple_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage of Cohabiting Couple Households |
households_male_no_spouse_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage of Households with Male Householder, No Spouse |
households_female_no_spouse_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage of Households with Female Householder, No Spouse |
households_male_no_spouse_alone_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage of Male Households Living Alone |
households_female_no_spouse_alone_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage of Female Households Living Alone |
households_with_under18_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage of Households with Children Under 18 |
disability_total_with_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage with Disability (Total) |
disability_under_18_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage with Disability (Under 18) |
disability_18_64_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage with Disability (18-64) |
disability_65_over_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage with Disability (65+) |
edu_attain_hs_grad_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage with High School Graduate or Higher |
edu_attain_bach_plus_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage with Bachelor’s Degree or Higher |
edu_attain_lt_9th_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage with Less than 9th Grade |
edu_attain_9th_12th_no_diploma_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage with 9th to 12th Grade, No Diploma |
school_enroll_total_est | DEMOGRAPHICS | Total School Enrollment |
school_enroll_nursery_prepres_est | DEMOGRAPHICS | Nursery School/Preschool Enrollment |
school_enroll_kindergarten_est | DEMOGRAPHICS | Kindergarten Enrollment |
school_enroll_elementary_est | DEMOGRAPHICS | Elementary School Enrollment (Grades 1-8) |
school_enroll_highschool_est | DEMOGRAPHICS | High School Enrollment (Grades 9-12) |
school_enroll_college_grad_est | DEMOGRAPHICS | College or Graduate School Enrollment |
foreign_birth_europe_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage of Foreign-Born from Europe |
foreign_birth_asia_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage of Foreign-Born from Asia |
foreign_birth_africa_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage of Foreign-Born from Africa |
foreign_birth_oceania_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage of Foreign-Born from Oceania |
foreign_birth_latin_america_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage of Foreign-Born from Latin America |
foreign_birth_northern_america_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage of Foreign-Born from Northern America |
lang_home_spanish_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage Speaking Spanish at Home |
lang_home_indoeuro_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage Speaking Other Indo-European Languages |
lang_home_asian_pacific_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage Speaking Asian and Pacific Islander Languages |
lang_home_other_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage Speaking Other Languages |
residence_same_house_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage Living in Same House as 1 Year Ago |
residence_diff_us_same_county_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage Moving to Different House in Same County |
residence_diff_us_diff_county_same_state_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage Moving to Different House in Same State |
residence_diff_us_diff_county_diff_state_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage Moving to Different House in Different State |
residence_diff_abroad_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage Moving Abroad |
edu_attain_hs_grad_eq_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage with High School Graduate (Including Equivalency) |
edu_attain_some_college_no_degree_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage with Some College, No Degree |
edu_attain_associates_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage with Associate’s Degree |
edu_attain_bachelor_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage with Bachelor’s Degree |
edu_attain_grad_prof_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage with Graduate or Professional Degree |
lang_home_non_english_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage Speaking Non-English Languages |
lang_home_non_english_less_well_pct | DEMOGRAPHICS | Percentage Speaking English Less Than Very Well |
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